Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Two months

How time flies! A sure sign that I'm getting old. Though I'm looking forward to time passing quickly as it would mean seeing Marlie grow. I can't wait to hear her speak. Hope she'll like books and music. And I hope she'll be a good girl. At two months, Marlie likes to sleep on her tummy, not on her back. She also started hearing mass with us at SM Hypermart then heading straight to the grocery. Lakwachera na ;p


At 12:10 AM, January 21, 2009, Blogger AnneMac said...

There's mass at SM Hypermart?! What time? You know, we haven't taken Tiago to mass. Therefore, we hear mass sporadically. Sigh.

At 11:08 PM, March 26, 2009, Blogger donna_chocnut said...

Hi Anne, yes may mass doon, pero maaga - 9:00 am.


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